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The Amazing Spider-Man pics: Garfield, Stone, Sheen and a scaly Ifans
Posted by Den Shewman on Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Doc Connors’s change, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone break up, and Uncle Ben lives (for the moment).
Obviously, the fan hook for this Amazing Spider-Man story are the shots of the practical make-up on the neck of Rhys Ifan’s Dr. Curt Connors, a precursor for his later, greener appearance as Spider-Man’s foe the Lizard. Many in the Cahiers du Cinema crowd would call that fantasy. Fans just call that cool.
But really? Breaking up with Emma Stone? On your front porch? That’s pure fantasy. Because if you’re Peter Parker (at least the one we know from the comics and non-Spider-Man 3 films), you wouldn’t be so quick to ditch Emma’s Gwen Stacy (warning: spoilers in her bio). All the more heartbreaking if you know how that particular song ends.
But take a look at the pix that the Daily Mail has scored of Rhys’ beginning transformation, and then click over to Splash News for over a dozen pics of Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker, Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben, and more as Amazing shoots on the streets of New York.
Who would have thought just a few years ago that we’d have two highly anticipated Batman and Spider-Man films shooting at the same time? It’s a good time to be a comic book fan, eh?
By the way, if you haven’t already done so, check out Spider-Man swinging in the night sky in these photos and video that Splash News scored last week.
(Photo credit: Jose Perez, Splash News)
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