Wait, we're going to see an actual guy in a Spider-Man costume swinging through the air, and not a CGI cartoon? Blasphemy!
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Video shows Spidey flying through the air with the greatest of ease. More or less.
In case you hadn’t seen this video and attendant pix, check out the Amazing work that Splash News has done in covering the Amazing Spider-Man shoot in Harlem last week. There are tons of photos of Andrew Garfield’s stunt double in Webhead’s suit sitting on a taxi (where he'll eventually land post-swing), plus shots of Andrew Garfield on set in casual clothes.
Oh, and there's video of Spidey swinging in the night sky, too.
The video has two parts. The “Spidey standing around with a blonde who’s not Gwen Stacy” part is evident of William Goldman’s phrase “Your first day on a movie set is the most exciting day of your life; every day thereafter is the most boring.” Here everyone is waiting for the call to shoot. We see the stunt double in the Spidey suit, the blonde in black (maybe producer Laura Ziskin?) who looks more like an exec or manager/agent than crew person, and some make-up and police folk.
Then there’s the “Spidey out for a swing” part of the video that shows him in action. Watch Spidey swing from a bridge and land on a taxi, walking away like he does this every day. Which, of course, he does. (Warning: A couple mature-language words from onlookers.)
UPDATE: Splash’s video has problems loading. Check it out first, but just in case, are a few spy clips from YouTube. You can see Spidey swinging (and dangling helplessly) in the first, and launching off a taxi into the (wired) air in the second. Warning: A few mature words of astonihsment from onlookers.
Posts: 7588
Posted: 13 years 40 weeks ago
What did we deserve to get all these news stories? They just keep on comin'!