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Canadian and American audiences won't get the chance to check out Universal's $250 million dollar summer blockbuster Battleship until May 18 but elsewhere the movie has already opened -- and audiences are going to see it.
Over here the pre-release buzz for Battleship has been tepid, if not negative. That hasn't deterred international viewers from going to see the event picture when it opened in their home nations, such as Russia, Israel, China, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and several other asian countries. Australia and Japan also are playing the movie ahead of North America.
Battleship has been playing for 12 days internatinally, and it's expected that up to this point the film will have earned $126.7 million dollars. If you believe the rumors that the flick cost Universal $250 mil, then Battleship is halfway there to recouping its money back (less the percentage that theater owners receive and the loss for marketing and advertising.)
Overseas box office isn't always a sure sign for how a movie will play in America. Sometimes a movie that's a monster hit in North America (like The Hunger Games) will only make so-so money around the world (in the case of Hunger Games, about one-third of what the picture has made domestically.) Other times it's the international box office that surpasses the domestic gross.
Whether Universal will use some of the international interest in their film to lure N.A. filmgoers remains to be seen.
Posts: 7588
Posted: 12 years 43 weeks ago
"China Loves Battleship!
Russia Loves Battleship!
Vietnam Loves Battleship!
Australia Loves Battleship!
Israel Loves Battleship!
Find out what the rest of the world already knows, America!