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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Doctor Who and the Journey So Far

Fan mash-up trailers are something that doesn't get too much attention on Coming Attractions, mainly because there's just so many of them and the regular news of the day takes precedent. However, every now and then, I feel that it's good to stop and smell the roses -- or for the fan video equivalent, watch a decent mash-up.

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UPDATE!: Hey Marty, is Nike about to release Back to the Future shoes?

They've been asked for ever since appearing on the screen in 1990's Back to the Future Part II. By this time tomorrow they could be a reality.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Duck Tron parodies the original Tron lightcycle race -- with duct tape

I saw this today and knew immediately that it was worthy of a Cool Culture story. Here's a commercial that uses stop-motion animation to parody the lightcycle battle in the original Tron movie -- but using four colors of duct tape. When they said duct tape was good for everything, did they really think that it could be useful for stop-motion animation?

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Green Lantern lights up bikes in Brazil

Traditionally, movie studios take the approach of releasing their films to international audiences spread out over several months. Only the big event movies tend to have their releases clustered together. By spreading out the release dates of a film, the movie studio's marketing department is better able to size up and create a marketing campaign that is tailored to that country and the different tastes of its audience.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Watch Portal: No Escape

Dan Trachtenberg is a commercials director, known for his 30-second spots for Lexus and Nike. I guess he's also a big fan of Valve's Portal video game because this guy's directed a short fan film, with high production values, that can serve as a prequel to the first Portal game.

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Some things about John Carpenter's The Thing

When John Carpenter remade The Thing From Another World back in 1982 as The Thing, critics savaged it and the audience shunned it. They preferred opening their wallets to see the more benevolent space alien of the time, E.T., than Carpenter's shape-changing beast. But here we are a quarter of a century after The Thing came out in theaters and Carpenter's movie is still being analyzed and debated about by its fans.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

George C. Scott really doesn't like that new Adam Sandler movie

Maybe you've seen the new trailer for Adam Sandler's new comedy Jack and Jill where he plays the role of both the male and the female characters of identical twins. If you haven't, I don't think that it will lessen your enjoyment of this mash-up video showing Mr. Patton himself, George C. Scott, sitting down to view the trailer for Jack and Jill. What happens can only be described using one word: emotional.

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Zookeeper is a real movie?

I love the guys behind Red Letter Media. You know those awesomely over-the-top reviews of the Star Wars movie by an off-screen guy called Mr. Plinkett? The ones where the reviews are longer than the actual Star Wars movie itself?

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011

What gets the rest of the characters in the Star Wars universe a-Twitter?

“An Ordinary Universe” features tweets from the little people in the Star Wars mythos who didn’t have movies made about them. You know, like you and me.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The screenwriter of Fast Five gets interviewed...kind of

With Fast Five opening this weekend, the stars of the show are doing all the morning talk shows. Today, Good Morning America, Regis & Kelly, The View.

Guess where the screenwriter of the film is?

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Episode 1 of Mortal Kombat: Legacy debuts

The first installment in the Mortal Kombat: Legacy 12-part web series has hit the Internet. Don't let the fact that the director of the Fame remake sat behind the camera on this; there's no dancing to be found in the premiere and I doubt that there will be any in the 11 segments left to come.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Billy Crystal is back for When Harry Met Sally 2

The return of Billy Crystal. When Harry Met Sally the sequel. With Helen Mirren.

Really, it's not what you think. Really.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dig this retro X-Men: First Class trailer

It's no secret that the era where X-Men: First Class takes place is the early 1960s, at the time that tensions between the United States and Russia and black vs. white right in America were reaching a head. With the June premiere of the movie still two months away, wouldn't it be cool to see what the opening title sequence looked like now?

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Julie Taymor steps down as director Spider-Man musical

After several highly publicized setbacks to the production of the Broadway musical Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark, director Julie Taymor has stepped down from her prominent position with the production.

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