its ok I guess.... the costume was the least of the problems associated with spiderman 3.... it didnt really need to be revamped at all, they nailed it the first time out.... and what's with the gloves? funky.
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First look of Andrew Garfield and the new Spider-Man movie costume
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ten years ago Coming Attractions was picked by Columbia Pictures to be the first to show what Sam Raimi's Spider-Man costume looked like. Today marks the second time that the movie studio has unveiled the look of Spider-Man, this time for director Marc Webb's reboot of the movie franchise. And here's Andrew Garfield in the new Spider-Man movie looking disshelvelled, beat-up and discouraged.
What's your verdict on the new Spider-Man look? Like it, hate it, unsure, don't care?

Oh yeah, that's what I meant. I actually liked the black spidey costume in particular, but the story and everything else was such a mess in Spider-Man 3, it threw the whole franchise off track.
There should be a minimal allowable time period between the last episode of a franchise and the reboot. 15 years should be the minimum....... maybe 20.
Yeah, I wish Chris Nolan had waited longer to reboot Batman. What is it with the internet community and reboots? In the '89-'97 Batman film series, they had three different actors playing the lead. In the Bond movies, they've had six different guys. In the actual comics that the Spider-Man movies are based on, they'd have multiple titles running at once, each with different writers and artists who did the characters differently. Just a little over ten years ago, a lot of comic fans just wanted there to be any movies made at all about comic characters. I'll only complain if the movie sucks. Frankly, I'm glad they moved away from the Raimi-directed series.
It will be miles better if they move back to the mechanical web-shooters.
I know it seems to be like a minor or fan-boy complaint, but I do have my reasons. Namely, that Peter Parker is supposed to have a genius scientific mind. The creation of the web-shooters and creating the formula for the webbing is a decent way to show that. Where was that aspect of the character in the Raimi films? Ok, forgive me, there was ONE scene where he had a discussion with Dr. Octavius, and he seemed upset he was missing Dr. Connors' classes, but that's it.
So, that's my one wish-list item - show him designing and developing the webs. SHOW US how smart this kid is.
Yeah, that's what it looks like to me, too. I just hate going with what I THINK I see without KNOWING. I've been disappointed before....
But so far, it LOOKS promising in that regard.
Maybe those are just the hybrid shooters that Raimi first promised, but when that didn't satisfy the fans any, just decided to ditch them altogether.
Posts: 2082
Posted: 14 years 5 weeks ago
I dig it, and I've actually come around to the idea of the reboot being necessary after the travesty that was Spider-Man 3.