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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Warner Bros. wins victory in Superman lawsuit

A federal Californian judge has ruled that movie studio Warner Bros. has ownership in the one-half of Superman property rights created by Joe Shuster. The ruling comes as the studio is well into post-production on its next Superman film, Man of Steel, and as a different lawsuit brought on by the other Superman co-creator heirs (Jerry Siegel) winds its own way through the courts.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Comic book writer Mark Millar gets hired to oversee 20th Century Fox's Marvel movies

20th Century Fox has turned to one of Marvel Comics' top writers to consult on their Marvel-based superhero movies. That man is Scottish-born Mark Millar, the writer of such Marvel books as Old Man Logan, which told a tale of an senior-aged Wolverine, The Ultimates and his own creator owned work such as Kick-Ass, Nemesis and Wanted. Millar was also one of a handful of top Marvel Comics scribes picked to give creative briefs to Iron Man director Jon Favreau when he was putting together that movie.

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Warner Bros. withholding box office figures for The Dark Knight Rises

Since the rise of the blockbuster, a growing fascination with the opening weekend tally for movies has held sway with the general public. As blockbuster movies continue to shatter weekend forecasts and set new benchmarks for their grosses, so the interest in observing and reporting this news has grown.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

The shooting tragedy and The Dark Knight Rises

I find myself conflicted over the way I should report the news about last night's senseless act of violence at the Aurora theater in Denver, Colorado. There is the fact that the shooting at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises is newsworthy, if that word can be used to cover the murder of 12 innocent people and the injuries to nearly three dozen more.

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kathleen Kennedy named as co-chairman of Lucasfilm

In a surprise announcement, Star Wars creator George Lucas has appointed his "successor" to his empire, and it's veteran Hollywood movie producer Kathleen Kennedy. Lucas has agreed to share chairmanship with Kennedy of Lucasfilm, becoming in essence as important to charting the future direction of the company as Lucas himself.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Community creator Dan Harmon fired

They say that there are three sides to every story: your side, their side and the truth. Depending on where your heart is with NBC's beloved but lowly ranked Community show, maybe your truth lies with the story being told by its recently fired creator, Dan Harmon.

The network is calling Harmon's change of title from showrunner/executive producer to consulting producer a creative move. Over on Harmon's Tumblr blog, he's calling it by a different word...actually, several words and they all pretty much line up under the definition of being fired.

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Avengers has a $200 million dollar opening weekend

This Sunday morning the weekend box office estimates have been added up and something amazing has happened: for the first time in motion picture history, a movie has grossed $200 million dollars on its opening weekend. It's The Avengers, and according to studio estimates, Disney's first Marvel superhero movie has opened to the tune of $200.3 million dollars.

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The Avengers earns $80 million dollars on its opening day

Marvel's The Avengers opened yesterday and beat the industry expectations, taking in an estimated $80.5 million dollars in its first 24 hours playing across North America.

Even so, The Avengers didn't beat the all-time champ, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 which opened on its first day to the tune of $91.1m.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Univeral Pictures dumps Hasbro

If Hasbro wants to make big screen movies from its board games and action figures, it won't be doing it anymore with Universal Pictures.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Universal Pictures unveils 100th anniversary company logo

2012 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of Universal Pictures. To celebrate the company's entry into the three-digit club, Universal is kicking off a year-long celebration and revealing a new 100th anniversary logo which it will shortly attach to its upcoming new releases.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Paramount Pictures' 100th anniversary logo

To celebrate the company's 100th year in show business, Paramout Pictures has changed their company logo. The new snow-capped mountain peak familiar to audiences worldwide now has a different look, one backlit by the sun on the horizon.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Billy Crystal to host the Oscars

We have found the new host for the 2012 Academy Awards and it's Billy Crystal. New Oscar producer Brian Grazer must have ran into the Kodak Theater, broken the glass box containing Billy that read "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" and all is well again in Hollywood.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Disney to announce Avatar theme park attractions

By the time that the sequel to Avatar hits theaters in three years, you could go to Disneyland and ride on an Avatar theme park ride.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eddie Murphy is hosting the 84th Oscars

What began as a rumor this past weekend is fast becoming reality. It's supposedly all but officially announced that Eddie Murphy will emcee the 84th Annual Academy Awards next year, at the recommendation/request of Rush Hour director Brett Ratner who's also having a hand in producing the broadcast.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fire breaks out on Warner Bros. backlot set in Vancouver

This afternoon a fire broke out on the standing sets used by several Warner Bros. productions including the TV series Supernatural and the Watchmen movie.

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