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Shadowy teaser poster for The Amazing Spider-Man
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Friday, December 9, 2011

We're nearly eight months away from the July 2012 release of The Amazing Spider-Man. Not only will this be a new actor playing Spider-Man/Peter Parker, it's also going to be a total reboot of the concept that we've been familiar with. What will director Marc Webb show us? He's using practical swinging stunt effects whenever possible instead of relying on the CG that Sam Raimi's three Spider-Man movies used extensively.
Now Columbia Pictures has revealed the first major piece of its publicity for the upcoming film: a teaser poster that's designed to intrigue the public but not show who is playing the hero. It's a smart strategic move for the studio, whetting the appetite for the audience about seeing Spider-Man for the first time in 3D. Sorry Andrew Garfield but in this case, less is more.
The Amazing Spider-Man hits theaters on July 3, 2012.

Jack S. Pharaoh
Posts: 2231
Posted: 13 years 10 weeks ago
I don't know about this one: it looks like a cool idea, but not really coming across that well. Maybe if they lightened the spider shadow a little, and slanted it across the walls instead of making it symmetrical like it is. It looks kind of like he's standing on top of it.