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A teaser for the trailer for the Total Recall remake
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Tuesday, March 27, 2012
So Hollywood, this is what it's come to: a teaser commercial for the first trailer to the remake of Total Recall. And I am guilty of covering it.
If you're just being made aware of this movie, yes, there is a remake of Total Recall. It stars Colin Farrell in the Arnold Schwarzenegger role, Kate Beckinsale in the bad girl/Sharon Stone role and Jessical Biel in the good girl role. However, the new Total Recall isn't set on Mars; instead, it's set about 50 years in the future where there's flying cars and holographic stuff floating in front of your face.
Yeah, I sound disinterested in the new Total Recall because I just don't see the creative reason for it. The business reasons? Sure; the title is well known and is going to get people interested in checking the film out.
The trailer will be broadcast for the first time this coming Sunday, April 1, sometime during the Celtics/Heat game on ABC.
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 12 years 46 weeks ago
Never trust it when you're promised something on April 1.