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OK, so we know that Colin Farrell is playing the Arnold Schwarzenegger part in this remake of Total Recall, scheduled to begin filming next week in Toronto. We also found out that Ethan Hawke will be supplying a cameo of some sort. Then we learned that Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston will be playing the villain role (the one Ronny Cox played in the 1990 flick.) Now we find out who gets to play the female leads and the leader of the resistance -- though I doubt he'll have a baby-sized Martian mutant growing from out of his torso this time.
First up is Kuato, the leader of the resistance. This time around he'll be played by Bill Nighy, a.k.a. Davy Jones himself from the second and third Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Since this new version of Total Recall ditches the Mars setting, Kuato likely won't be a strange psychic mutant growing from out of Marshall Bell. The new Recall takes place entirely on Earth in the future.
Kate Beckinsale has been cast as Lori, the part that Sharon Stone played in the '90 film. She's married to director Len Wiseman and worked with him before on the first two Underworld movies.
Melina is the hero's girl and was played by Rachel Ticotin 20 years ago. This time around, Jessical Biel is playing Melina.
Columbia Pictures is making the film, and they've scheduled it for an August 3, 2012 release.
The new Total Recall makers should find a way to include Arnold Schwarzenegger in a cameo. Oh wait. Yeah...that ain't gonna happen now.
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