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The trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter that's not in theaters
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Tuesday, March 2, 2010

You remember hearing about Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, don'tcha? Published one year ago, written by Seth Grahame-Smith, optioned as a movie. Grahame-Smith is back and he's here to show you that a) he's not a one-trick pony, and, b) he still wants to mess up historical stories that you know.
Grahame-Smith's new book is called Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. With that for a title you don't need me to repurpose what's on the back cover of the book to understand what the story is about.
Here's where the pop culture hype gets interesting: the book has a trailer. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter isn't the first weird book to have its own trailer; last July the publisher of Pride & Prejudice & Zombies hyped its second Jane Austin/genre mashup, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, with a trailer too. But instead of the lame-o book trailers of the 1990s and 2000s, these new breed of trailer actually have decent production values and a hook that gets you interested in checking out the novel.
See what the AH:VH marketing team thought up:
Are we starting to see a new trend emerge: book trailers that are worth watching? And does that mean in about 50 years it'll be the right time to sit back and crack the cover to Barack Obama: Extraterrestrial Warrior?
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter hit bookstore shelves today.
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