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If Hasbro wants to make big screen movies from its board games and action figures, it won't be doing it anymore with Universal Pictures.
After announced in 2008 that the two companies were partnering up on a number of films based on beloved Hasbro properties from your youth, now the movie studio has forked over an "enormous multi-million dollar penalty just to get out of business with Hasbro." Those are the precise words that the Vulture website uses to describe what just happened between Hasbro and Universal, and why there aren't any more Candy Land, Clue or Ouija movies in development at Universal anymore.
Universal still isn't completely out of the Hasbro woods yet. Opening May 18 is Battleship, a $250 million dollar action/sci-fi movie that star Taylor Kitsch and Liam Neeson fighting off invading aliens-or-somebodies out on the open water. Spending that kind of money is a risky gamble no matter what the movie may be, but for Universal to want to get out of its deal with Hasbro (even though it wasn't set to expire until 2013) doesn't just mean they don't see a future with Candy Land or Clue movies. It probably also means that someone behind closed doors has seen Battleship the movie, and what they saw didn't inspire confidence to wait it out and spend more on seeing the Hasbro development deal through to the end.
Read into Universal's decision to vacate its dealings with Hasbro your own way.
Candy Land is now in development at Sony Pictures as a star vehicle for perpetual adult child Adam Sandler while the Stretch Armstrong, Monopoly, Clue and Ouija movies are all without a home.
Posts: 7588
Posted: 13 years 1 week ago
Funny that this happened just a couple of days after the Super Bowl ad came out.