He looks about 17. Does his mommy know he is out playing movie director?
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Marc Webb has landed the job to direct Sony's reboot of Spider-Man.
Sony Pictures announced Webb's hiring late this afternoon, ending the week of speculation about which filmmaker was to inherit the studio's billion dollar film franchise. Unlike all other major fantasy movie franchises, Sony made its decision to start Spider-Man over from scratch in swift fashion, first announcing the exiting of Sam Raimi and his cast just over one week ago.
Unlike Raimi's trilogy of films, Webb's vision of Spider-Man returns the character to his teenage years and will keep the action in that period of his life. The screenplay is by James Vanderbilt (Zodiac). Sony has targeted a summer 2012 release for the new Spider-Man movie.
Webb was quick to dismiss any talk that he is setting out to surpass what Sam Raimi brought to the mix. "That would be impossible, not to mention arrogant," the director told Variety. "I'm here because there's an opportunity for ideas, stories and histories that will add a new dimension, canvas and creative voice to Spider-Man." The trade also reports that Webb's deal is just for a single picture to direct but he's under option for another possible two.
Now the talk turns to which young actor will play the new incarnation of Marvel's Manhattan superhero. Speculation is fun, right?
Posts: 152
Posted: 15 years 4 weeks ago
That was incredibly fast. I'm thinking Sony had this planned already and were just looking for an excuse to show Raimi and crew the door.
And, irony abounds casting 'Webb' for Spider-Man