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Question: What happens when the sequel to the biggest comedy of all time-opens with a five day gross of $135 million dollars?
Answer: You're not seriously going to say that you don't know the answer, right?
Screenwriter Craig Mazin has been hired by Warner Bros. to begin working on a script for The Hangover Part III. Mazin co-wrote The Hangover Part II with Scot Armstrong, and he's already given us some indication just where a third hangover with The Wolfpack would go. And it goes very dark.
"The third one really has to be about something that gets them off of this cycle," the writer told Movieweb. "Every time these three guys get together, something terrible happens. The third one is about saving them from a life of agony."
Even as insanely profitable as these comedies are, Mazin said that this franchise just can't go on. Eventually there has to be a tipping point for Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms) and Alan (Zack Galifinakis). Once they reach that bottom, there's only one way that they can head.
"There will be another one, and it will be the hangover to end all hangovers," Mazin elaborates. "And in a sense, it has to go to another level, again. The Hangover Part II goes to another level in terms of how dark and insane it gets. The Hangover Part III will go to another level for the guys."
If director Todd Phillips and the cast reunite again, look for The Hangover Part III in theaters around the summer of 2013.
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