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Conflicting reports emerge in the wake of Tony Scott's death
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Monday, August 20, 2012
In the aftermath of the suicide of movie director Tony Scott, Hollywood and his fans are trying to discover what reason the 68-year-old had for taking his own life. Police have confirmed that two suicide notes written by Scott were found: one was inside his parked Prius automobile and contained a list of people that Tony Scott wanted to be quickly informed of his death, and the other was discovered at his office. The second suicide note is said to state Scott's reasons for taking his own life.
This morning ABC's Good Morning America ran a report allegedly from a source that knew Scott stating that the Days of Thunder and Top Gun director had inoperable brain cancer, and that was the reason he committed suicide. News of this quickly spread across social networks and in the celebrity news stories for websites until a contradictory report ran on TMZ.
According to that website's sources, Tony Scott's wife, Donna, has told police that he did not have cancer and that the GMA report was false. Donna Scott is also reportedly to have said that, to the best of her knowledge, her husband had no medical maladies that would have caused him to take his life.
An autopsy on Tony Scott's body is underway but the official report from the L.A. Coroner's office won't be released for weeks.
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