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April 16, 2010 - Green Lantern / Geoff Johns speaks at Wondercon about movie
Scooped on Friday, April 16, 2010
Chief Creative Officer and Green Lantern comic book writer Geoff Johns was interviewed by Comic Book Resources this week. One of the questions asked was about what the writer thought of the Green Lantern movie, of which he's visited the set down in New Orleans. Johns had this to say:
"The movie looks fantastic. I'm heading back down to New Orleans in a few weeks, but I just watched the Abin Sur/Hal Jordan dailies, and it's amazing seeing that ring passed to Hal in live action. Abin Sur looks kick-ass.
"They did such a great job. They've got Grant [Major] as a production designer. He's from Lord of the Rings, and the visuals on this film are nothing like you could imagine. It's definitely a Green Lantern fan's dream. For me, it's kind of insane to see this stuff come to life.
"And Ryan Reynolds is a perfect Hal Jordan. He brings a lot of humor to it, but he also has the humanity that Hal has. And a little bit of the arrogance, so it's a great match."
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