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April 8, 2010 - Riddick 3 / early concept art
Scooped on Thursday, April 8, 2010
That piece of artwork you see on your left is early concept art from Riddick 3. It wasn't stolen out of Patrick Tatopolous' design studio and posted on a movie news website, nor was it officially released on an official Riddick website (one doesn't exist online yet.) No, it came from Facebook -- specifically the user account of Mr. Vin Diesel himself, along with this missive:
"Early Riddick concept art... first frame of a 2D Motion Choreography Study.
"The Furian... left for dead...
"p.s. Being involved in the various preproduction engines, I am afforded an education that is priceless. I have always been a fan of internships as a way of education. When Steven Spielberg hired me for 'Ryan, the running joke was, that I would have come to set to just get him coffee... haha, he didn't have to write a role for me - it was an amazingly educational experience."
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