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December 15, 2009 - Terminator 5 / project announced
Scooped on Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The financial backers of Terminator Salvation are already thinking ahead about a sequel. Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek of The Halcyon Company announced their intention to start developing a fifth Terminator movie at the Dubai International Film Festival today.
The reason for the anticipatory move comes from early positive buzz for Salvation. "We feel the time is now to start shaping the next part of this," said Kubicek at the reveal.
When star Christian Bale signed a contract to appear in Terminator Salvation it also included the option of two additional sequels. Early in the development of T4 its creators stated that they envisioned a new trilogy featuring the leader of the resistance, John Connor, as the main character. [Full story]
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