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January 10, 2011 - Battleship - James Cameron hates Battleship movie
Scooped on Sunday, January 16, 2011
Titanic and Avatar director James Cameron has opened fire on Hollywood turning board games into movies. The filmmaker gave an interview to German magazine Spiegel Online about what life is like for him 12 months after the stunning success of Avatar and one of the topics that was touched on was the state of mainstream movie making. Cameron decided it was the right time to set his sights on a current mega-project that Universal Pictures is making, a movie based on the Hasbro board game Battleship.
Here's what Cameron had to say about the shape of things (and as translated by Screenrant):
"We have a story crisis. Now they want to make the Battleship game into a film. This is pure desperation. Everyone in Hollywood knows how important it is that a film is a brand before it hit theaters. If a brand has been around, Harry Potter for example, or Spider-Man, you are light years ahead. And there lies the problem. Because unfortunately these franchises are become more ridiculous. Battleship. This degrades the cinema."
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