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January 13, 2011 - Captain America / full body photo
Scooped on Sunday, January 16, 2011
The first full body look at Chris Evans in his World War II Captain America costume has now been released and published within the pages of Entertainment Weekly magazinbe. The look matches precisely the leaked costume designs that we saw last summer, and also correspond to the era of the superhero's introduction to society. After all, it only makes sense that an American superhero fighting against Nazis would wear a leather outfit, steel helmet, straps and a utility belt (with gun holster.)
EW also uncovered the following facts about the Captain America costume:
- Chris Evans likes to suit up in his Cap costume all by his lonesome.
- It takes him about 25 minutes to put on the entire suit.
- The colors in Cap's WW2 airman-inspired costume are more muted than the ones found in his modern day look in the Captain America comic book. Also, the A on his helmet and star on his chest are smaller for the movie suit than the comic suit. "You can’t really take him seriously in his flag pajamas," director Joe Johnston said.
Update: Paramount has now provided us with a higher resolution photo.
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