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January 4, 2011 - X-Men: First Class / January Jones talks about playing Emma Frost
Scooped on Sunday, January 16, 2011
January Jones has some ideas about how popular her sultry character is. In a new interview, the blonde Mad Men actress waxes enthusiastically about the complexity of her character (as well as those naughty fetish costumes).
"Fans of the X-Men comics have a very set idea of these characters in their heads," Jones said. "I wanted to know as much as I could about her so I wasn’t disappointing anyone. I’m sure I will still disappoint someone."
Jones also goes on to describe her character's costumes as "insane", which sounds about right. "It's a lot of very body-conscious stuff. If you look at the comic book, she’s barely dressed. She's got quite the bod, which is very intimidating."
We also have confirmation that Frost will have her secondary mutation in the movie. Even though First Class is set in the 1960s and introduces Emma to the X-Men movie franchise, and her character didn't have the diamond form ability until recently, she'll be able to use mental powers as well as change her body form. "When I morph into my diamond form, it's all done on computer," Jones explained.
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