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July 11, 2012 - Noah / casting and story updates
Scooped on Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The movie is about to start shooting and there's been news to report about it, so let's dive right in:
First, there's the casting of Anthony Hopkins as Noah's 900-year old grandfather, Methuselah. Hopkins will only be in a reported three scenes but if Sir Tony is playing the world's oldest man, those moments are bound to be memorable.
Next, Darren Aronofsky issued this picture on his Twitter stream today showing the construction of Noah's ark. "I dreamt about this since I was 13. And now it's a reality. Genesis 6:14," said the director to his followers.
Also added to the cast: Jennifer Connelly (Requiem for a Dream) as Naameh; Emma Watson (the Harry Potter movie series) as Ila; Logan Lerman (Percy Jackson) as Noah's son Ham; and Ray Winstone (Snow White and the Huntsman).
Finally, HitFix's Drew McWeeny broke some news about a supernatural element we'll see in the movie, the six-armed, 11-foot-tall Watchers. They are God's angels, and they are also to be feared by Noah and his people. "They have a major presence in the script, and they're fascinating. Early on, when Noah needs to go see his grandfather, he has to move through the homeland of the Watchers, something that is not easy to do," Drew writes on his site.
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