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July 6, 2009 - Jennifer's Body / redband trailer
Scooped on Monday, July 6, 2009
A redband trailer for Jennifer's Body is running exclusively at Shock Till You Drop.There's also a cleaned-up trailer that begins screening in theaters in front of Bruno this coming Friday but it doesn't have the same NSFW material that this redband does. Why the need for two different trailers for one movie? The answer comes from a statement released by the film's director, Karen Kusama, producer Jason Reitman and writer Diablo Cody that appears on STYD. "[The trailer running in front of Bruno] is kind of a straight horror preview and while we're sure that it'll appeal to many of you, we wanted to make sure you guys got to see our cut...Let's call it the 'filmmaker'c cut'. We think [the redband trailer] captures the comedy and scares of the horror films that we grew up on - a kind of nostalgia when horror films were fun."
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