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June 5, 2010 - Green Lantern / licensing artwork shown
Scooped on Saturday, June 5, 2010

A number of movie news websites are making a bigger deal than it should be from some Green Lantern artwork shown in the pages of a licensing catalogue. Some sites are erroneously reporting the GL logo displayed in Lisencing magazine as the movie's "official" logo when in fact it's merely the logo art used from the DC Comics comic book. Just to clear things up, there's been no evidence that the Green Lantern movie's logo has been created by Warner Bros.' marketing department yet. We've seen this kind of advance marketing push before, especially by high concept movies looking to attract potential licensees, and the artwork used to grab the attention of businesses never turns out to be the final artwork used for the movie. Based on the typical movie marketing done a year out from the release of the film, we're certain that the GL logo and artwork displayed on the cover and in the pages of License magazine isn't official movie artwork.
So, to sum up: this isn't the movie's official logo, it's something that Warner Bros. Consumer Products is using to attract companies to make Green Lantern movie themed products.
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