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March 3, 2009 - Terminator 5 / McG wants Robert Patrick in T5

Scooped on Tuesday, March 3, 2009

While interviewing Terminator Salvation director McG at Wondercon,'s Joseph McCabe landed an exclusive reveal about which former Terminator 2 cast member we may see in the fifth film -- and it isn't who you would first think of.

"I talk to Robert Patrick with great regularity," McG told the site, referring to the actor that played the liquid metal shapeshifting T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. "It's interesting – I was [thinking of] a through line. I'll bounce it off of you guys: I like the idea in a prospective next picture that you meet Robert Patrick the way he looks today, and he's a scientist that's working on improving cell replication so we can stay healthier and we can cure juvenile diabetes and all these things that once again sound like good ideas -- and once again live as an idealized expression of ourselves. So imagine seeing a sixty-year-old Robert Patrick and knowing, 'Holy shit! That's gonna be the T-1000 – who comes back perfect, lean and the whole thing.' I haven't concluded that, but Robert and I had dinner the other night and talked about it. I made two movies with Robert Patrick, so I like him very much. And now he's very heavily into motorcycle riding. He's a really serious guy."

But McG knows that before he can offer Patrick a paycheck there's the little matter of waiting to see how audiences react to Terminator Salvation. "Let Memorial Day come. If we all get together and sit at a table like this and you guys give me a kick in the ass and say, 'Go make another one,' I'll deliver Bale and we'll get it done."

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