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March 3, 2011 - Captain America / first look at The Red Skull
Scooped on Thursday, March 3, 2011
Provided to us today by EW is the first solid look at The Red Skull, Captain America's nemesis in the movie. Under that makeup is Aussie actor Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith in The Matrix trilogy of films).
There's also a new interview with director Joe Johnston who answers more questions about why he made the movie, like this one:
"I’ve had other [directing] offers for [other superhero] movies like this and usually turned them down. To me there’s something less interesting about a guy who can fly, and throw tanks around, and stuff like that. The reason I wanted to do this one is he is so relatable. I can relate to him. Maybe it’s every kid’s dream to go into a pod and come out looking like Captain America. [Laughs] And you don’t even have to exercise or lift weights! It’s great!"
Posts: 965
Posted: 13 years 28 weeks ago
wow Hugo really does look like the Red skull