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November 4, 2010 - Spider-Man / Martin Sheen and Sally Field in talks
Scooped on Thursday, November 4, 2010
Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision blog has two big Spider-Man casting scoops breaking this evening. According to the site, Martin Sheen (Apocalypse Now, The West Wing) is in final negotiations to play Uncle Ben while Sally Field (Norma Ray, Brothers & Sisters) is in early talks to play Aunt May in Marc Webb's new Spider-Man movie.
The character of Uncle Ben is one fundamental to the origin of the superhero. In the comics and Sam Raimi movies, Cliff Robertson played the elderly father figure for young Peter Parker. Because Peter chose to not stop a petty criminal from escaping, that bad guy went on to fatally shoot Ben. Upon his uncle's death, Peter understood the immense responsibility that came with having great power.
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