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September 2, 1997 - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace / rumors
Scooped on Saturday, November 26, 2011
A friend of this scooper who happens to live close to Leavesden Studios told them about a piece recently broadcast on a local community access program. In the segment a grip from the set was interviewed and the person's answers apparently let slip a details about a possible story arc for Neeson's Jedi character.
As previous releases from Lucasfilm have indicated, Neeson's Jedi will be slightly mysterious; according to the scooper's friend, the grip reported that this Jedi will infact teach Anakin "unethical" Jedi practices.
"Since young Anakin is immature he doesn't know the difference between light and dark," the scooper writes. Then, mysteriously, Anakin's teacher abandons his young pupil, but before he departs he convinces Obi-Wan Kenobi to continue Anakin's schooling. "Anakin then notices a difference in OB1's teachings and immediately it starts to cause conflicting views about the force...further, we find out that Liam Neeson's character later becomes an advocate to Palpatine before he gains complete control," the scooper also added. Interesting stuff...but did anyone else catch it on the tele?
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