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September 9, 1997 - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace / Kenner action figures?
Scooped on Saturday, November 26, 2011
Rumors about an early release of Episode One have begun again. Two seperate sources report that they've heard quiet rumblings Kenner Toys is prepping to release Episode One action figures to various toy stores starting next March. This had led some to speculate Lucas is going to perform a sneak maneouver and release the film a year ahead of schedule.
Our take on it: we don't buy the '98 release date. There's way too many factors, including individuals we know working on some aspects of the movie right now, that point to a 1999 release. Kenner may very well be preparing to generate a huge wave of new interest with their toyline...and doesn't it seem like a move they would undertake? Remember back in 1978 when Kenner created an exclusive mail-in offer to be the first to get an action figure of someone called Boba Fett who would appear in the then-forthcoming The Empire Strikes Back? Now with the renewed level of attention Kenner's Star Wars: Power of the Force line is receiving the company may very well be in the planning stages of such a move.
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